
Asyura Porridge

I am glad I had the opportunity to witness a community cooking at Pulau Panjang, an island off Kelantan.

Asyura porridge is a made and shared in the mosque during the month of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. This month is considered one of the holiest months for Muslims, and it marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year.

As the mosque is a place of worship and community gathering for Muslims, during the Muharram month it becomes a hub for sharing and spreading love and kindness.

The process of making Asyura porridge is group effort, with volunteers coming together to prepare the ingredients and cook the dish.

The porridge is made with a variety of ingredients such as grains, nuts, dried fruits, herbs, and palm sugar, symbolizing the diversity and unity of the Muslim community.

The porridge is distributed to the worshippers and visitors at the mosque, as well as to those in need in the community.

It is common for serunding to be served with Asyura porridge. Serunding is a traditional Malay dish made from shredded meat (usually beef or chicken) that is cooked with grated coconut and various spices and herbs until it becomes dry and fragrant.

The combination of Asyura porridge and serunding creates a delicious and satisfying meal.

Palm sugar is added to Asyura porridge to enhance its sweetness and flavor.

Women in the community play a significant role in these events, as they often take on the responsibility of cooking and serving the food. They bring their culinary skills and expertise to the table, ensuring that the dishes are prepared with care and attention to detail.

The act of cooking and serving food in the mosque not only provides nourishment for the worshippers but also fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among the community members. It is a way for people to come together, share their talents, and contribute to the well-being of others, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the mosque.