Puri Puffs
Pani Poori is quite a famous street food staple available throughout India in different variants and tastes. It also has different names in different parts of India – golgappa, puchka, pakodis, Paani Ke Patashe, Gup Chup, Phulki, Tikki and Pani Ke Batashi and maybe many other names that I may not have heard off. Pani Puri is packed with flavour and eaten readily and there will be long queues at most of the pani puri stalls and people of any age group enjoy this delicacy. The “puri” puff is a small, crispy puff made of semolina and flour. It is filled with different ingredients and topped with different sauces. Pani Puris are usually filled with stuffing and flavoured water eg. mint water. These days some hotels are filling it with vodka shots or even margerita!
Most people use commercially fried puri puffs and top with homemade ingredients. Today, @audramorrice and I are going to make some puri puffs, potato and dal filling and a sweet tamarind sauce. We are going to follow a recipe from Christine Manfield’s Tasting India! I might modify according to my preferred taste as we cook along and watch me rolling out not perfect circles of puris – hahahha…..I can never roll out a perfect circle till today!! Check us out on Instagram at :
Date: Monday 12 July 2021
Time: 9.30 am (India time) 12 noon (Singapore time), 2 pm (Sydney time)